The Ways of Ecclesiastical Music of the Church of Constantinople  (May 2019)

The theme title, "Patriarchal Octoechos", was conceived for all our workshops and events in 2019 because it best represented the mission of our school, which was not only to promote and teach Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music, but also be inspired by the very unique style, ethos, and musical repertoire of the Church of Constantinople; especially to learn and emulate the ways of chanting the great master cantors of the Great Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

This very first 5-day workshop of our school attempted to introduce Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music to all participants, whether they had any exposure or teaching beforehand or not, to teach the most fundamental elements of the New Notation System (i.e. interval, time and quality neumes) and learn to perform simple to advanced and complex melodies and repertoire. This very ambitious attempt was led by our master teacher, Mr. Athanasios Paivanas, student of the late Archon Protopsaltis of the Great Church of Christ, Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas, and director of the Greek Byzantine choir, Ergastiri Psaltikis.

The workshop culminated in a 50-minute recital held at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in Montreal, QC., which presented the work of the School and this 5-day workshop.